From Kingston to Hobart, Flooring Specialists Come Across Flooring Moisture Issues
Flooring installation specialists have repeatedly come
across an extensive range of moisture issues from time to time. According to
a flooring specialist in Hobart, it
is important to keep tabs on the early symptoms of moisture problems, such as
warping, cupping and crowning.
Warping and Crowning
Warped floors are the direct result of moisture
absorption. The excess accumulation of moisture causes the wood to warp and
pull away from the underlying subfloor. More often than not, the consequences
are slight. However, according to an expert on timber floor polish in Kingston, if
left unattended, the wood can peel off several inches from the floor.
Crowning occurs when there is a moisture build-up in the
centre of the floor. It causes the midpoint to inflate and rise, thereby giving
a crown-like appearance.
Cupping and Discolouration
Another major symptom of moisture accumulation is
cupping. It is one of the more frequent instances encountered by a flooring specialist in Hobart.
When there is greater moisture around the edges of the
wood, the edges tend to swell. Consequently, if left unattended, the swelling
boards might shove into each other, thereby worsening the situation.
Discolouration, on the other hand, occurs when patches of
the wood tend to appear darker due to moisture accumulation. A block of darker
wood is the direct consequence of moisture build-up.
If there are any of the above symptoms, you need to hire
a professional to check the moisture content with a wood moisture meter.
Refinishing might be suggested as a remedial measure. For that, you may contact
an expert on timber floor polish in
Kingston. However, make sure that no moisture issue is
attended to without the strict supervision of a professional expert.
Moisture build-up is one of the widespread flooring
issues. You would not come across a specialist who has not yet dealt with the
crisis in one way or another. At the same time, in spite of its professional
urgency, householders should be wary of disturbing signs in their flooring
systems. The first step starts with the owner of the house.
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